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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Powering Your Resume With Targeted Keywords and Action Verbs


Your resume only has about 30 seconds to make an impression. Take advantage of targeted keywords and action verbs to create the lasting impact that gets you hired. Targeted Keywords Why Targeted keywords, such as those used by employers in job postings are representative of the skills that they value. Paint yourself as the perfect candidate by matching the skills they want ...

How to Thrive in Today's Job Market: Five Tips for IT Professionals


The days of the IT department existing in the back office and not communicating with the front of the business are gone. IT professionals need to take a leadership role, take initiative when making decisions and understand the business. Here, Knowledge Center contributor Rich Milgram outlines the skill sets IT professionals need in order to ...

Subtle Ways to Tell Your Story in Your Resume


A frequent theme of our blogs is limiting your resume to information that's truly relevant to the position for which you're applying. You should feel free to leave off your high school job serving fast food or your college job working retail if you have years of subsequent work experience. Also, listing only the achievements from your previous jobs can actually omit an important component of ...

3 Ways A More Expensive Resume Writer Will Save You Money


Three job seekers (just in the past two days) have complained to me about their experiences with other resume writers: "This resume doesn't say anything about me." "They left out the most important part." "They just didn't get me." The common thread? Each of these three people paid $150 or less for their resume. They went the inexpensive route, a seemingly smart maneuver when money's ...

Resume Tips For Overcoming Recession-Related Challenges


Give employers the real scoop, not just your work history. Recessions tend to push hardworking people into two groups. On the one hand is the layoff survivor handling the load of multiple former employees. On the other is the hyper qualified job seeker who nevertheless remains overlooked. Both types of people often need to write a new resume, and neither can afford to do it the same way they ...

The Top 5 Problems with Resumes and How to Make Them Shine


If you're a job seeker or thinking about looking, you've probably already given thought to your resume. That seems to be the first place we tend to go when we're in that job search mode. I don't agree it should be the first thing on our mind, though I do understand why. The resume is a representation of us as it relates to work experience and skills. It's one of the most tangible elements in ...

Should You Apply Even If You’re Not Qualified?


A friend of mine recently left his position at our former company to start his own business. He has 15 years of excellent work experience, including 10 years of managing others, and an MBA. His former job is now advertised online, and over the weekend I met a woman who had applied for it. This woman was unhappy with her current company and had noticed that my friend's former position paid ...