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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Resume Tips For Overcoming Recession-Related Challenges


Give employers the real scoop, not just your work history. Recessions tend to push hardworking people into two groups. On the one hand is the layoff survivor handling the load of multiple former employees. On the other is the hyperqualified job seeker who nevertheless remains overlooked. Both types of people often need to write a new résumé, and neither can afford to do it the same way they ...

Relevance Outweighs Details – No Need for the Whole Life Story


If you asked your parents how to write a resume, they would probably tell you to list every job you'd ever had, and then detail everything you'd done at those jobs. Twenty-five years ago, when people mailed their typed resumes to the person to whom they'd be reporting, that was sound advice. In today's market, wasting space on your resume with irrelevant information is a quick way to land it in ...