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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Public Library: A Job-Seeker’s Best Friend


Technology is everywhere these days. It's hard to get any sort of job that doesn't require at least a basic knowledge of e-mail and word processing programs. Any position working with data generally requires using Excel, and many administrative positions require someone familiar with PowerPoint and Publisher. If you've been out of the workforce for a while, or your previous positions didn't ...

Creating a Simple Online Portfolio


Potential employers sometimes ask candidates to submit work samples along with their job applications. It's important to have work samples available whenever this situation arises. Creating a simple portfolio for yourself in advance has never been easier. The type of samples you choose to share will largely depend on your industry. However, as a rule of thumb, samples should show the range ...

Give Social Networking Some of Your Busy Executive Time Daily


You've probably heard over and over again how important it is to get yourself on the Internet and begin the process of social networking when you're in the middle of conducting an executive job search. Well, even more than keeping a social networking profile alive during this time is doing it all the time. Getting on board with social networking definitely requires a commitment, which is why ...

Are You a Determined or Desperate Job Seeker?


When you're anxiously awaiting your next job opportunity, sometimes it's easy to walk the fine line between being a determined job seeker and desperate one. Of course, it's not uncommon to feel desperate when you're ready to get a job, but being desperate is something that should be practiced in the privacy of your home – not where others, namely prospective employers, can catch wind of it. If ...