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Friday, September 25, 2009

MCITP – SA – A Fundamental Certification for Systems Administrators


In the new economy, IT professionals need all the help they can get securing their current positions and/or finding new ones. The technology sector is particularly vulnerable to the vagaries of the job market. Companies are looking to restructure their staff (a nice term for layoffs), and newly minted IT graduates hit the market every summer like clockwork. Basic economics teaches us that the ...

Is Your Resume Responsible?


Is Your Resume Responsible? After reviewing over 150 resumes in a three day time span I decided that there is a serious epidemic out there. A plague so harmful it is costing millions of people thousands of dollars every month. It is called the responsibility virus and it is infecting millions of resumes all across the nation. Think I'm kidding? Take a look at your resume. Does your resume ...

4 Off the Wall Yet Fun Ways to Fill Your Calendar with Job Interviews... and Say Goodbye to ...


Tired of burning up shoe leather looking for a job? Take a walk on the wild side. Most of us quickly tire of the standard method of job hunting. Find some job listings, find a job you qualify for, submit a resume and wait. It's hard work that all too often never pays off. What if there a fun way to get all the interviews you can handle? Well there are! Read on...

Here you'll find ...

Executive Interviewing: How to Persuade the Right Way


When you're interviewing for a job at the executive level – especially if you've been out of work for a while – you may want to try just about any tactic possible to get the job. Because you're used to being aggressive to get your way, you may want to try to persuade the interviewer to give you the job. But there are lines that should be drawn when using this tactic. If you want to use ...