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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Top Three Reasons Why Sales Managers Don't Coach


Why is it that so many sales managers don't coach their salespeople? Surprisingly, it has little to do with a lack of coaching and leadership skills. Below are three common reasons, and some ideas on how to change this problem. Reason One. Sales Managers are Focused on Selling, Not Coaching Many sales managers rose through the ranks to become the top salesperson in their compan. ...

Promoting Diversity in the Hospitality Industry


Active Career Management


There are three things in this life that you absolutely have to manage, or at some point they will catch up with you. The first two, health and finances, are best handled by your doctor and your accountant. The last essential, your career, is what we're here to help you with. Half the people in my family are retired from a local Fortune 500 company. My relatives put in their 30 years, ...

Career Management: What do You Want to Be When You Grow Up?


Oh, I guess you did grow up. But is this the grown up you wanted to be when you were a kid? Are you happy with how your career turned out? Most of us aren't. In fact, huge numbers of us aren't happy at all with our careers. Despite our unhappiness with our work situation, the biggest reason we don't change to something else is our own fear. The fear associated with a reluctance to improve ...

Santa says, Resumes Fit Perfectly in Stockings!


How many times have you heard someone say, "I really need/want to get another job, but I just don't even have time to get my resume together"? Constructing a resume that will actually get pulled out of a pile of applications is a time-consuming task. I've personally had friends who spent months and months at a job they hated because they simply couldn't find the time to sit down and write their ...