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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

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Minorities, Women Underrepresented In IT


Minorities are underrepresented in high-technology companies, especially when it comes to senior-level positions, according to a report released Monday. The Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology (ABI) found that only 6.1% of men holding technical positions and 8.2% of women holding those positions in Silicon Valley are minorities. Less than 2% of women of color hold high-level ...

IT Buoyed By Expected 2% Net Hiring Increase In Q3


It's not much, but given the sorry state of the U.S. economy, the 2% net hiring increase planned by CIOs in the third quarter of 2009 looks pretty good. The results, based on a survey of 1,400 CIOs across the nation, were announced Tuesday by IT job search firm Robert Half Technology. The IT Hiring Index and Skills Report found that 8% of CIOs are planning to add to IT staff, while 6% plan ...

Getting the Job You Desire: Preparing for Various Interview Types


If you've been on multiple job interviews then you know that you might encounter a different environment depending on the company you interview with. This is pretty common because every company has its own culture. And more importantly, each company – and even department – instills its own interviewing strategy. Sometimes you know what type of interview you're going to walk into and sometimes ...