Finding a job straight out of college can be a difficult and daunting prospect. But, it doesn’t have to be that way. One way to get the proverbial foot in the door is by becoming an “intern” with an organization that interests you. Not sure what interests you? Browse the job listings at There are usually loads of intern positions listed, and there is sure to be a job that'll interest you.
Oh, and forget the negative connotations that you may have about being an intern. Most interns are afforded the same professional respect as their fulltime colleagues. Working as an intern is not like in the movies where the unfortunate intern gets treated like a slave!
Once you've mastered your role as an intern you can look forward to greener pastures. It doesn’t get any greener than the fulltime job - converting your internship into an actual fulltime position - inclusive of the perks and benefits. Accomplishing this is not as difficult as you may think.
The numbers are definitely in your favor. According to a recent survey, roughly 35% of interns, across a broad range of industries, are converted to fulltime employees*. While this number is encouraging, it is still nowhere close to being 100%. You cannot just show-up to your intern position with your pulse and smile, clock-in, and expect to get moved-over into a fulltime position.
Remember that you will be in direct competition with any other interns within your organization for any available fulltime positions. Just as a professional athlete sets themselves apart from the amateurs, you need to do the same. Show your organization that you can bring value to it and you will increase your fulltime chances tenfold.
Here’s a few ways how...
An internship is a serious position.
You must think of your internship as a real job. Maybe you’re not getting a salary, maybe it’s for college credits, and maybe it's just a part-time position – whatever the case may be, treat it seriously. Work hard and show your talent and motivation. Be proactive with your internship. If there are areas or processes that you can improve be sure to voice your ideas.
Find out where the bar is set, and then raise it.
Show in interest in your field and offer to do more work than necessary . Try to get involved in everything that is going on in your organization in one way or another. If you are scheduled for 20 hours, try working 25 or 30. Your enthusiasm for the job will distinguish you from the masses.
Develop strong relationships founded on listening and learning.
People hear noises, instructions, and directions everyday. They do exactly that – they hear them. There is a vast difference between hearing and listening. Understanding and acquiring knowledge comes from listening – hearing is mindless. Make sure that you listen to your supervisor, as there is always a lot to learn. Never assume you know what they are talking about, or what they want. You know what they say about assuming right? Ask questions, and if you’re not sure…ask more questions. Try to learn something new everyday.
Spread the Good Word.
No. No. Not that good word. The other good word. The one about how you want to stay with the company. If you want the fulltime position make sure you make those responsible for the hiring are aware of this. Remember; do not assume everybody walking around the office knows you want to go permanent – be proactive.
Find a quality organization with good future prospects.
Do your research and find an internship with an organization you would be proud to have on your resume. Just as you would if you were looking for a fulltime position, inquire and find out what the organization is offering. Make your selection based on your immediate and long term objectives. Utilizing makes finding a quality employer an easy process. The site also allows you to post your resume and have some quality employers come to you. Subscribe today, and find your dream job in the sports industry.