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Saturday, June 5, 2010

When is it time to go? Five make-or-break factors


If you're sitting in your office bored, ticked off or feeling down you may be thinking it's time to go. BUT, you're not sure. You are rationalizing staying because there is one more great thing you can contribute or you feel obligated in some way. We all go through this kind of mental tug-of-war at one time or another. Knowing when it's the right time to give yourself permission to move on is ...

Striking the Perfect Balance On Your Resume


Have you ever heard someone suggest that the only way to get a job today is to lie on your resume? I've heard several people say this over the last few years. That said, consider this: I've also heard just about every recruiter and hiring manager I know complain that they are tired of reading resumes that dramatically overstate a candidate's qualifications for a job. Little white lies: ...

Creating a Web Presence for Your Job Search


Many people don't realize just how important it is to create a positive web presence when in the midst of a job search. Unfortunately, it is almost inevitable that a major employer will spend some time Google-ing you before they decide whether they want to consider you as a candidate. So instead of avoiding creating a web presence, it's good to just dive right in and get started. Get Social ...

Why Twitter Is Great for Executive Job Searches


You've probably been hearing people rant and rave about how great Twitter is for job searches for a couple of years now. But it's hard to imagine that this one site could make a difference when you only get to use 140 characters to post your thoughts. On the contrary, the site has made adjustments to accommodate job seekers - and those job seekers have found innovative ways to be noticed with ...