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Saturday, June 26, 2010

What To Do About An Employment Gap


Historically, having a significant gap in your professional employment has been seen as a huge negative on a resume. However, given that a May Gallup poll showed that 19% of the American population is underemployed (either not working or working part-time instead of full-time), there are many, many job seekers out there wondering how to handle this resume issue. The good news is that there are ...

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Thinking Like a Recruiter


People often ask me why anyone would seek professional help with writing his or her resume. The great part about resume writing is that I often work with educated professionals who have years of great experience. Unfortunately, they just don't know how to get their resumes in front of people with the power to give them a job. Generally, they're too busy being a great nurse, project manager, ...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I’ve Got a LinkedIn Profile—Now What?


If you're currently searching for a job, LinkedIn offers a free and easy way to create a presence for yourself online. While some people think of the site as simply another place to post their resumes, it offers many other career promotion tools as well. For example: Start a reading list LinkedIn is not a great place to advertise the trashy romance novel you read by the pool, but ...

Five Mistakes Job Seekers Make on Their Resumes


I think I'm beginning to sound borderline preachy with my resume and cover letter advice. But I also feel I have a duty to share with job seekers the blunders and mistakes they make that prevent them from getting the interview and ultimately the offer. After ten years of working as a human resources manager and recruiter I've seen my fair share of job seeker mistakes. So here's my list of the ...

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

On Semi To Spend $11M To Expand Idaho Fab


On Semiconductor Corp. will spend $11 million to add new semiconductor production equipment to its 8-inch fab in Pocatello, Idaho. The company plans to hire about 35 additional workers for the facility by the end of the year. On Semi (Phoenix) did not disclose further details about the equipment being purchased. A spokesperson for On Semi said the expansion is more of a capacity increase as ...

Graduate IT Careers: 3 More Reasons Why Business Intelligence is the Only Option


For those hoping to turn their education into a career in IT, these are hard times. That feeling of "the hard work is behind me" has turned into "there is a brick wall in front of me", and that is just to get a job to start proper work! Business Intelligence is an alternative route into the IT industry which many graduates will overlook but should consider. Business Intelligence is the ...

Friday, June 18, 2010

Branding Your Resume and Cover Letter in A Compelling and Creative Way


Knowing what I do for a living, friends sometimes call me when they see particularly outstanding resumes—good or bad. This week I got a call from a friend who's a hiring manager at a technology company. He received a resume that was so creative that they decided to interview the candidate immediately. This candidate had packaged her resume in a box about the size of a cookie container. The ...

Job Hunting Lessons From the Bachelorette


If you're like me, you might have a weakness for drama-ridden reality television. While recently watching perennial favorite The Bachelorette, I was reminded that the "Would you please accept this rose?" format is anything but reality. I also realized that the process of looking for a job is not so different. Here are some similarities the two situations have in common. You have to date ...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Why I Won’t Be Reading Your Cover Letter


We recently had an open position we were trying to fill and I was amazed—or should I say appalled—at the blanket responses we received from job seekers. Potential candidates sent us cover letters describing experience they possessed that was completely irrelevant to our opening; it was the same as someone having a degree in veterinary medicine but seeking employment as an IT director. Did these ...

Three Keys to a Successful, Conservative Financial Plan


Imagine what it would be like to have a financial plan that gives you predictability, control and tax advantages – a method that lets you bank on yourself, rather than Wall Street, the government, or an employer. It may surprise you to learn that such a method already exists… and has for over a century. Hundreds of thousands of people use it, and not one lost a single penny in their plans ...

Samsung to expand U.S. fab in logic push


Amid a major capital spending program, South Korea's Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. plans to expand the capacity of its 300-mm fab in Austin, Texas with a $3.6 billion investment. At the same time, Samsung has opened an R&D center in Austin. The expanded fab will now produce logic devices for Samsung's System LSI business. Previously, the Austin plant only made NAND flash memory chips. The ...

On Semi Buys Sound Design


On Semiconductor Corp. has made another acquisition. In an effort to expand into medical chips, On Semi has acquired privately-held Sound Design Technologies Ltd. (SDT) from an affiliate of Global Equity Capital LLC, for approximately $22 million in cash. Under the terms, the seller will also have the ability to receive additional earn-out proceeds of up to $10 million if, among other ...

IBM Establishes Research Lab In Brazil


IBM Research Monday (June 7) said it would establish its first research laboratory in South America, IBM Research-Brazil. It will be the company's first new permanent lab in 12 years. IBM said the research lab would join the company's superfast optical network backbone connecting 3,000 research scientists in the U.S, Switzerland, Isreal, China, Japan and India. IBM Research-Brazil will be ...

Career Development: Are You as Good as Your Word?


A concept I don't think gets talked about too much as it relates to a person's career growth is integrity. Integrity sometimes sounds stiff and too conceptual but there are aspects to it that are so critical to your success that it bears pointing out – repeatedly. In the world of work (and it doesn't matter if we're talking business or non profit) the primary commodity we trade off of daily ...

Frequently Asked Interview Questions


Your resume looks fabulous, and you've been getting tons of calls from companies that want to interview you. Your interview preparation should include looking at the employer's Web site in order to familiarize yourself with the specifics of the business. However, keep in mind that employers already know about their company, and therefore are most interested in learning about YOU during an ...

Monday, June 7, 2010

Why Resume Appearance Matters


The way that your resume is written is one of the most important factors in whether or not you will get any job interviews, but equally as important is the appearance of your resume. In order for your resume to get any eyeballs on it has to also be pleasing to those eyeballs. So just what is in the 'appearance' of a resume? The appearance of a resume is the overall way that the resume is laid ...

Three Growing Career Fields to Get Into Now


It seems that each and every decade the career fields tide sway and this decade is sure to be no different. Some career fields are expanding faster than others and one of the main reasons is the way that the world is headed as a whole. While your options for career fields are increasing by the year, there are three career fields in particular that you should be looking to get into now. These ...

How to Learn CATIA Software


CATIA stands for Computer Aided Three-dimensional Interactive Application and is one of the most widely known and used software systems in the CAD world that is marketed and technically supported by IBM. The software is very intricate and is used by some of the biggest names in the business world. Currently over 20,000 companies use it worldwide and the distinguished list of names that use the ...

Saturday, June 5, 2010

When is it time to go? Five make-or-break factors


If you're sitting in your office bored, ticked off or feeling down you may be thinking it's time to go. BUT, you're not sure. You are rationalizing staying because there is one more great thing you can contribute or you feel obligated in some way. We all go through this kind of mental tug-of-war at one time or another. Knowing when it's the right time to give yourself permission to move on is ...

Striking the Perfect Balance On Your Resume


Have you ever heard someone suggest that the only way to get a job today is to lie on your resume? I've heard several people say this over the last few years. That said, consider this: I've also heard just about every recruiter and hiring manager I know complain that they are tired of reading resumes that dramatically overstate a candidate's qualifications for a job. Little white lies: ...

Creating a Web Presence for Your Job Search


Many people don't realize just how important it is to create a positive web presence when in the midst of a job search. Unfortunately, it is almost inevitable that a major employer will spend some time Google-ing you before they decide whether they want to consider you as a candidate. So instead of avoiding creating a web presence, it's good to just dive right in and get started. Get Social ...

Why Twitter Is Great for Executive Job Searches


You've probably been hearing people rant and rave about how great Twitter is for job searches for a couple of years now. But it's hard to imagine that this one site could make a difference when you only get to use 140 characters to post your thoughts. On the contrary, the site has made adjustments to accommodate job seekers - and those job seekers have found innovative ways to be noticed with ...

Friday, June 4, 2010

Are Managers Mentors?


"Are managers mentors?" is probably one of the most common questions in the corporate workplace today. While a good manager should have mentorship qualities, and the ability to get the most potential productivity from subordinates, are both roles possible for a supervisor? Some executives think it's not only possible, but necessary. Others believe the two roles must remain completely separate, ...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

3 Big Reasons to Jump Ship Now and Position Your Career for Growth


With the economy and unemployment the way it has been, the usual turnover of people leaving and finding new and more favorable jobs is almost nonexistent. People who would have taken moved off by this point are hanging on to jobs that they would gladly dump, if they thought they could. There is a general perception that the minute the environment changes, we're going to see the biggest game of ...

IT Careers: 3 Reasons Why Business Intelligence is the Only Option


Getting that first, all important, foot-hold in the IT industry is the most important thing in the world for a new graduate. And if some time has passed since graduation, despair and disenchantment can easily set in. But there is an option which many do not even think to explore: Business Intelligence. A sub-sector of the IT industry, Business Intelligence is the extraction, summarising ...

Do Resumes Make You Crazy?


What to put on a resume can be daunting, frustrating, and upsetting. Will I cover all the bases? Will my accomplishments come across? How long should my resume be? And, what format? The stress and anxiety builds inside and doesn't subside. Resumes scare even the most seasoned worker. There are rules, both perceived and real, that leave people confused and afraid to get it wrong. ...

Career Change – Step 1 isn’t updating your resume


I can't count the number of times I've heard people talk about "updating their resume" when thinking about making a career change. If you are one of those people out there putting the polish on your resume' as you are about to launch a job search for a new career- STOP. Your resume' is not the place where you start your work on a career change. If you are simply looking for the same or similar ...

3 Keys to Customizing Your Resume


In recent blogs, I've written a lot about the importance of investing time into every job application you submit, even if this means applying for fewer total jobs. While it's most efficient to get your resume fine-tuned to a point where it needs little modification for each new job application, you generally will need to make a few changes each time in order to customize your ...

Addressing Salary Requirements in a Cover Letter


Job advertisements sometimes ask you to specify salary requirements when submitting your application. But many job seekers feel uncomfortable revealing their desired salary before they've even scheduled an interview. If you're one of those people, don't worry—there are some ways to comply with the employer's request while avoiding having to immediately provide a specific answer. One ...

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


5 Tips to Handle Mistakes at Work and Turn a Negative Experience into A Positive One


Have you ever made a mistake at work? If your answer is "No.", then you are probably not telling the truth. Admit it! No one is perfect and mistakes do happen from time to time. While we are all ingrained with a fear of failure, we have something to tell you that could change your whole outlook on life…without failure, there would be no success. Everyone strives to be perfect at work and ...

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Cover Letters: Does Anybody Read Those Anymore?


In a world where many job applications seem to disappear into a "black hole", job seekers often wonder if there is any point in sending a cover letter with their application. The answer is absolutely yes! An effective cover letter communicates to an employer why you're specifically interested in the open position. With so many job seekers indiscriminately applying for hundreds of jobs, your ...

What Should be Included in Your Executive Resume


Writing executive resumes can be a challenging project, especially when you don't write them on a regular basis. One reason this is the case is because they are so much more entailed than other resumes. Indeed, there are more key components that should be included in executive resumes to increase your chances of being considered for a top-level position. Let's take a look at some components to ...