Qimonda Restructures, Cuts 3000 Jobs Posted: written by Christoph Hammerschmidt, courtesy of EE Times Europe |
Some Tech Stocks Make Gains, Despite Widespread Losses Posted: written by K.C. Jones, courtesy of InformationWeek |
Motivating and Retaining Employees Posted: People like to work in an environment that is enjoyable; they can get burned out if the work environment is totally serious and strictly business. |
Tax Preparation: A New Career Option for Displaced Bank & Financial Professionals? Posted: A new career in income tax preparation could be a safety net for some of the thousands of bank and financial services employees who are losing their jobs due to the economic crisis. |
Your Resume’s Audience – Cheers or Silence? Posted: What does the content of your resume say about you? Is it an Autobiography, or a solution to your readers' problems? In 8-15 seconds an interview/no interview decision is made. So how do you grab your reader's attention? |
15 Seconds Posted: 15 Seconds...That's how long the average reviewer spends on your resume, before making an interview/no interview decision. That's <strong>IF</strong> your resume gets beyond a database search. |
Send Fewer Resumes Posted: While this strategy is counter intuitive, sending fewer resumes is a much more effective method. An effective and customized resume can get a 25-50% "hit ratio" (phone screens or interviews divided by total resumes sent) using a send fewer strategy. |