U.S. Engineers Face Stiff Competition from Outsourcing Posted: Engineering may be an endangered profession for Western engineers. Many electronic companies, OEMs, chip vendors, design houses and contract manufacturers, in fact, all of the major electronic and telecom equipment vendors, have been planning deep cost-reduction measures. Skill sets and talents in overseas firms are catching up to their stateside counterparts. Outsourcing has been accelerating ... |
Steve Jobs on Engineering Success Posted: Apple co-founder Steve jobs was a visionary engineer who became a multimillionaire before he reached 30. What was the secret to his success? Some insights: He Saw Things Differently. Jobs foresaw the development of the PC industry way before others saw where PCs were headed. His high school electronics teacher noted that Jobs always had a different perspective on things. He ... |
Disposable Paper e-Readers, Animated Newspapers Just Around the Corner Posted: Are you ready for this? A low-cost and perhaps even disposable e-reader that displays text and color images with clarity and total portability. Magazines, newspapers, packaging sitting on store shelvesall will be animated with constantly changing images. Calling their new breakthrough an "e-paper on paper," electrical engineering professor Andrew Steckl and University of Cincinnati doctoral ... |
Involve Your CEO in Selling Top Candidates Posted: Consider this scenario: you're trying to recruit a star in your industry, but you're having difficulty because they are treated extremely well at their current firm. You try everything in your recruiting toolkit, but the target still won't budge. Because this is an exceptional individual that is slotted for a key position, you decide to use the "CEO option" that works every time. You tell ... |
Engineering Team Leaders Need Specific Skill Sets Posted: Leading an engineering team presents a number of challenges to the engineer suddenly elevated to a managerial or supervisory post. But team leaders must be sought out if a project calling for several engineering minds is to succeed. Effective engineering leadership requires a slightly different skill set than those acquired in school or as a |
Recruiters Need to Follow Through Posted: As a recruiter (whether retained, contingent, corporate, executive search, or independent), there is "No Acceptable Excuse" for not following up or following through with a candidate. By failing to do so, your actions are contributing to the further erosion of the reputation of our profession and are fueling the negative perceptions presently associated with recruiters. Would you ever not ... |
Conducting a Confidential Executive Job Search Posted: Conducting a confidential executive job search is often critical if you're still employed with another company. This is especially true if the companies with which you're seeking employment are competitors of your current employer. If you're worried about getting caught during your job search, don't fret. There are ways to make sure your search is both covert and successful. Avoid Using ... |
Choosing the Best Fonts for a Resume Posted: Are you in the middle of creating your resume but are stumped by which fonts to use? Of course, there are hundreds of fonts out there from which to choose, but not all are appropriate for use in a resume. Let's take a look at the ones that are considered to be the bestand which ones are good to avoid. Serif and Sans Serif Fonts Are Most Recommended There are two font families that ... |
3 Tips for Posting Your Resume on a Niche Job Board Posted: If you've searched and searched until you found a niche job board that you love but now want to find out how to make the best use of it, you've reached the right place. Before getting started, take time to explore these tips on how to maximize use of the niche job board you've chosen. 1. Think about Your Keywords When you work on a niche job board, it's good to think of it similarly to a ... |
Is Your Executive Resume Placing You Among the Top-6 Candidates? Posted: When sifting through executive resumes, many hiring managers decide that they will choose six candidates to interview for a position. Of course, this number fluctuates depending on the circumstances, but for many companies, six is the magic number. So how can you increase your chances of becoming one of the top six candidatesthose who are most likely to be called in for an interview? Make ... |
Becoming Familiarized with the Intricacies of the Staffing Industry Posted: There is no Series 7 of recruiting, and yet the industry has the potential to be as lucrative as the field of finance. Even though experts believe that the staffing business dates back to ancient Egypt, it did not get rolling in its modern form until WWII, when a shortage of male workers became a problem for businesses looking to hire throughout the U.S. However, even after the end of the War, ... |
What is a Master Resume? Posted: What is a Master Resume? When applying for multiple jobs, many job seekers find themselves at a strange crossroads: They know they need to create unique resumes for each job but are tired of recreating similar documents over and over. If you find yourself in this predicament, you might want to consider a master resume. The Basics of the Master Resume A master resume is a document that ... |
Common Business Analysis Techniques Posted: In order to devise a workable solution to the many challenges businesses face, there are several important business analysis techniques that professionals employ. These include: MOST (Mission, Objectives, Strategies and Tactics) Identifying each of these elements allows business analysts to conduct a thorough internal analysis of what an organization is aiming to accomplish and how ... |
The Hurdles I Had To Jump To Start My Own Business and How I Did It Posted: Gaining Discipline and a Strong Work Ethic at a Young Age Entrepreneurs mostly fall short because they don't have the work ethic needed to start a business from nothing. It took a while, but I had to train myself to work 17 hours a day. I've learned that it is the indirect work that an entrepreneur puts in that makes him or her successful. For instance, I continuously read new books that I ... |