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Monday, February 28, 2011

Chris Vein Appointed as U.S. CTO for Innovation


The Obama administration has tapped San Francisco's progressive CIO Chris Vein as deputy U.S. CTO for Innovation, reporting to U.S. CTO Aneesh Chopra in the Office of Science and Technology Policy. His focus will be to help the federal government provide more innovation through technology. Vein, who served as San Francisco CIO for nearly four years has been praised for his forward thinking ...

What Niche Programming Language Do You Prefer?


We asked our readers about niche programming languages and which they thought were the most important to know or learn right now. The numbers speak volumes with almost fifty percent saying that JavaScript was the most important and popular. JavaScript is heavily used to enhance websites so it makes sense that it would have the most votes in our poll. Percentage Count JavaScript ...

I Got the Job – Now What? 7 Things to do When You Start Your New Job


After all the hard work and effort, you finely landed the job. The anxiety about what's going to happen next is gone and you're relieved that you can stop updating your resume. Now that you have a job and you're about to start next Monday, you're starting to feel the sheer terror of what you have just gotten yourself into. You're questioning your ability, their stability, their likeability and ...

Why Branding Your Resume Produces a High ROI


It has been no secret in advertising and marketing for some time now that you need to know your target audience. And it really isn't any different in a job search. You need to know who your audience is, what their needs are, and how to communicate the benefits of what you offer. Last autumn I jumped head first into a huge conversion rate optimization project. I was doing hours of research ...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Keep your skills current on the job hunt


The best way to market yourself in the ever-changing field of technology is to try and stay one step ahead of the game. The integration and application of media in society is changing on a daily if not hourly basis. The people who are hired are on top of the trends and anticipate the reaction to the next inventive revolution. It's not about specialized specs for computers or TVs or phones or ...

Are You A Techie? Do You Want to Help Change The World?


Are you a techie? A web geek? A Coder? Do you want to be a superhero and change the world? If you answered "yes" to any of these, you might want to take a look at Code For America. This program is a wonderful way to give back to your community and make a real difference while still being able to earn enough money to live on. Code for America is a ...

The State of the Tech Industry - Making Sense Out of the Numbers


With all of the mixed reports about the future of the information Technology industry, it's hard to know how to make sense of it all. The IT industry has always been volatile, with lots of ups and downs. Maybe it is just the nature of the industry itself; rapid changes in the types of technology available and the ways that users access information, puts the corporate world in a constant race ...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

How To Write A Letter Better Than Your Career Coach


Upon seeing frequent rejection of their resume submissions, many job seekers immediately turn to an expensive career coach to immediately have their resume professionally done thinking someone else can make their employment woes vanish. When it comes to writing a great resume, for the most part resume and cover letter outsourcing is hardly a necessity. If you practice enough, there are certain ...

The Blueprint For A Successful Career


In business and in life, it is imperative that people continually learn and grow themselves. Learning from your mistakes is a motto we all hear from our parents, but like most things they say, we seldom follow. Regardless of your situation in life and work, if you wish to have a successful career and, more importantly, live a happier life, there are certain personal changes you should commit ...

IT Career Cross-Roads: Do I Stay Technical or Move to Management?


At some point, the IT professional rising from the ranks needs to make a major career decision: do I advance my career as a hands-on technical professional or should I focus on managing technical people? Here are some key points to consider when making this major IT career decision. What do I like to do? There is a big difference between being hands-on technical and managing ...

Be Yourself On Interviews


Interviews are stressful and scary. Will you they like you? Will you wear the right thing, say the right thing, or just get the whole thing right? When I speak to my clients about why they did not get a job they wanted, they tell me they were nervous. They could do the job and do it well, but the interviewer didn't see it. Or, them. If this is happening to you, and companies aren't seeing the ...

How Important is a Resume Strategy?


If you're wondering how important it is that you have a strategic resume, then let me ask you this: How important is it for you to be employed? What most job seekers don't realize is that a resume isn't simply a list of your past positions. Your resume is a strategic document that positions you for job search success. We often tell our clients that nothing about the resume development process ...

Career Management: When You Can Do the Job, BUT You Aren’t a Cultural Fit


You're doing the job. You're delivering what you were supposed to. Despite all of that goodness, you don't feel like you belong. Maybe it's not one thing in particular or maybe it is a couple of glaring things, none of which seem monumental. You just continue to know that you don't fit and you can't put your finger on it. Could this be a problem with a cultural fit? Very likely. When we ...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

High-Impact Social Recruiting Errors — The Top 30 to Avoid


Using social media to support recruiting efforts is justifiably a hot topic. Social media tools are one of the top three most powerful recruiting tools, along with referral programs and mobile technologies. Despite its potential, the approach most recruiting functions are taking to leverage social media is haphazard and weak. Merely being able to state that "we use it" seems to be the primary ...