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Thursday, September 30, 2010

4 Simple Things That Hurt Your Resume


When we review people's resumes, we often see a basic document with lackluster content and outdated formatting. These are pretty common, but what we also see are resumes that contain some pretty fundamental mistakes. Here are some examples of things to not do: 1. Under the document properties section of your resume, make sure it shows you as the author of your documents. Having ...

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

European Investment Bank loans ST $470 million


The European Investment Bank (EIB) has signed a $470 million loan contract with STMicroelectronics NV to support of the company's industrial and R&D concerning next-generation semiconductor circuits. The EIB provides long term longs to private or public companies and projects. The objective of the loan to ST is to create technologies for the digital economy. It will focus on mobile ...

IT vendors are slow to adopt Social Media


Tech professionals have shown again that they are not jumping on the social media bandwagon just yet. Despite their technical day to day interactions, only 1/3 of IT vendors are utilizing sites such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. A study shows that only 34% of these vendors know how to correctly and effectively use these tools in their business transactions. Less than half of the vendors ...

The Most Sought-After Tech Skills


Our latest IT poll asked our tech audience what they think is the current sought after IT skill. Here are the results: •35.70% Security •20.00% .NET •15.44% Database Administrator •13.42% Java •9.11% SAP •6.33% Oracle Security was voted the most sought after skill and it comes as no surprise in today's world where super worms and deadly computer viruses are getting harder to ...

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

You Landed the Interview – Now What You Need to Know to Land the Offer


I recently met a recruiter for a Fortune 50 company who interviews at least 10 candidates every day for her employer. As we all know, hiring managers are receiving anywhere from dozens to hundreds of applications for most open positions these days. Given that atmosphere, this recruiter offered the following piece of advice: If you get an interview with a company, your resume has already ...

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Should You Be Worried About Age Discrimination?


Almost every client I work with who's above the age of 40 asks the same question at some point: Do I need to make myself look younger on my resume? The fear that they are being skipped over for younger candidates is clearly a widespread concern among today's job seekers. While I certainly encourage those with 30 or more years of work experience to only include what's most relevant on their ...

How to Mention Unrelated Work Experience on Your Resume


Many candidates who come to us for resume help have the same question. They have years of professional work experience, but a lot of it isn't relevant to the position they're currently seeking. On the one hand, they don't want to waste resume space detailing work that doesn't relate to their application. On the other hand, they don't want to omit years of work that developed them as a ...

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Maintaining your confidence during a prolonged job search


A year or two ago, pretty much everyone knew someone who had been laid off. That thought was scary enough, but now, most people know someone who has been out of full-time work for a year or more. If you're one of the people who's been displaced from the job market for a long while now, you know the emotional toll that prolonged unemployment brings. Many of us identify ourselves through our ...

Friday, September 17, 2010

Managing Your Online Brand and Digital Dirt


On the one hand, the Internet is a wonderful place to get your name out as a highly qualified job candidate. On the other hand, there may be information floating around about you that you'd rather was not shared with everyone in the world. How can you determine what's out there in cyberspace? Googling your own name is a popular technique for digging up digital dirt. You will certainly find ...

Looking For Work? Have You Considered Part-Time?


I wish I could quote some studies showing how quickly the job market is improving, but unfortunately, things are still tough out there. Many of the unemployed have held full-time, high-paying jobs their entire careers and are struggling to land their next position. If you find yourself in this spot, limiting your job search to only full-time openings may be severely limiting your ...

Avoiding Company-Specific Lingo on Your Resume


I recently met a woman who had started a new job with a Fortune 50 company several months ago. While she enjoyed some aspects of her new position, she was having a very difficult time adjusting to the culture of her new company due to the other employees constantly using acronyms she didn't understand. The situation is so bad that every day she writes down a list of terms that she doesn't grasp ...

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Is Improper Use of Social Networking Hurting Your Job Search?


If you're looking for a job in this tough employment market, having an online presence can definitely improve your chances of landing a position. Sites like LinkedIn and Twitter allow you to make a professional statement and provide additional information to complement your resume. However, understanding how to properly use these sites is essential to their helping you in your job search. Here ...

Mistakes Job Seekers Make Series: Resumes


What would a discussion about job seeking be without talking about the resume? The resume is the most tangible aspect to job hunting and seems to be the place everyone runs to first. Creating an effective, powerful resume is within everyone's grasp. I'm going to focus this article not so much on a list of issues, but rather on a philosophical element that seems to be missing in the job ...

What NOT to Do in an Interview


Last week I had lunch with a colleague who had recently hired someone for a part-time position for her office. My colleague was interested to observe the wide variety of people who applied for a low-paying, part-time position. She was even more intrigued by one candidate's behavior during the interview. Apparently this candidate had called on her way to the interview to say she was en route. ...

Friday, September 3, 2010

The Safe and Secure Retirement Plan Alternative for Business Owners


The idea of having a comfortable, worry-free retirement has become a distant dream for many business owners -- even for those who did "all the right things" that Wall Street and the financial gurus told them to do. Are you tired of relying on hope and luck to achieve your financial goals? If so, how likely do you think it is that following the same strategy that got you where you are today ...

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Great Strategies for Addressing Behavioral Interview Questions


Chances are that you've encountered the term "behavioral interviewing" at some point during your job search. This is an increasingly popular interview format based on the belief that past behavior is the greatest predictor of future behavior. Typically interviewers ask questions like, "Tell me about a time when you had a conflict with a coworker, and how you chose to handle that ...

Helping Your Network to Help You (Find A Job)


Remember the infamous scene in Jerry McGuire where Tom Cruise is standing in a locker room, begging Cuba Gooding Jr. to stop shooting his own career in the foot? You know the line: "Help me help you!" Many of us have family and friends who don't really understand what we do for a living. I personally have a cousin who can't explain her own husband's job. We often recognize that those around us ...